Natural by Nadine Lustre [Audio]

Performed By: Nadine Lustre
Lyrics Composed By: Nadine Lustre, Bret Jackson, James Reid
Arranged By: Isagani Palabyab Bret Jackson James Reid
Produced By: Isagani Palabyab Bret Jackson James Reid
Production House: Madhouse Productions
Recorded By: Bret Jackson Isagani Palabyab James Reid
Mixed By: Marcus Davis James Reid Bret Jackson
Mastered By: Marcus Davis
Mixed & Mastered At: Madhouse Studios
Recorded At: Careless Music

"Natural" Lyrics:

Sunshine I can’t live without
Water shower me with what comes natural

Grounded I feel rooted now
No rush
Blossom into something Beautiful

Surround me with all of the birds and the bees
Now see me flourish like you’ve never seen before
Those rainy days they always seem to come and go

Dive into the world unknown
I’m thankful for the lessons
Close your eyes and make it home
with you, it’s such a blessing

Sunshine I can’t live without
Water shower me with what comes natural

Grounded I feel rooted now
No rush
Blossom into something Beautiful

Not sure what I’m chasing
But I’m running, running
Putting all my trust into something, I don’t even know what to call it.

I’m not sure what I’m chasing
But I’m running, running
I’m putting all my trust into something

Fall Awake outside
I was the view
Reflections you were me and I was you
We intertwine
In front of me, I was blind

But now I
I see
I feel
I’ve grown

I see
I feel
I grown

The sunshine I can’t live without
Water shower me with what comes natural

Grounded I feel rooted now
No rush
Blossom into something Beautiful

Sunshine I can’t live without
I need some water baby baby

No rush blossom into something beautiful
Soak it in
Soak it all in
Feel the sun, smell the flowers and let go of your worries

Grow your roots deep, so that when a storm comes and destroys all of you, you will grow again.

Keep in mind that your heart is the strongest thing you’ll ever know because no matter how many times you shatter a heart, it’ll still work.

Be proud of your colors.
Bright colors attract the butterflies.

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