Glow by Nadine Lustre [Audio]

Performed By: Nadine Lustre
Lyrics By: Nadine Lustre, Bret Jackson, Haissam Morton, James Reid
Arranged By: Isagani Palabyab, Bret Jackson, James Reid
Produced by: Isagani Palabyab, Bret Jackson, James Reid
Production House: Madhouse Productions, Careless Music
Recorded At : Careless Music
Recorded By: Bret Jackson, Isagani Palabyab, James Reid
Mixed & Mastered At: Madhouse Studios
Mixed By: Marcus Davis James Reid Bret Jackson
Mastered By: Marcus Davis

"Glow" Lyrics:

Lights cameras flashing
Gimme that action
Lights cameras flashing
What you know about passion

Feeling like a diamond
It's astounding
Now that I have found it
I can’t let it go
Fire it up I light it
Time to set it off

Gimme that, Gimme that, Gimme that
Gimme that chance to glow

Think you really know everything, but you don’t
(You know me, but you don’t)
You’d do anything just to get what you want
(Shoulda known from the start)
Tryna slow me down
Why you tryna slow me down yeah

Y’all can’t see me now thru the glass and the smoke
(All the shit tha u spoke)
Not that kinda girl that u think u control
(Best believe that I’m bold)
Try to slow me down
No You can’t slow me down yeah

Don’t you kill my vibe
Cause u cant stand me shine
Got the Midas touch
Now see them taking sides
Push me off the edge
So you can watch me fly

Gimme that, Gimme that, Gimme that
Gimme that chance to glow

Baby what you want me to do?
I don’t have to listen to you
Baby I just need a minute or two

Baby what you want me to do?
I don’t have to listen to you
Baby I just need a minute or two
My journeys not for you

Gimme that, Gimme that, Gimme that
Gimme that, Gimme that chance to glow

Gimme that, Gimme that, Gimme that
Gimme that, Gimme that chance to glow

Gimme that, Gimme that, Gimme that
Gimme that, Gimme that chance to glow

Chance to glow
Chance to glow
Chance to glow

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